Thursday, September 30, 2004

Bush Is Such A Dumbass

As I sat and watched the debate tonight I couldn't help but think how stupid George Bush looked at the podium. When the cameras had to zoom in more so that the height advantage of Kerry was neutralized to appease Bush, I just thought that was sad. Bush couldn't even answer a single question, all he could do was address what he thinks are John Kerry's faults, even though Bush is just as guilty of the same charges he is accusing Kerry of. Ugh, my brother is home so I can't finish this. I will write more tomorrow.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Well Today

Today has been very interesting. I cleaned out most of my room so that we can remodel it. We are going to put beaded board on all the walls. I have to paint the ceiling tomorrow. That should be a whole lot of fun. I'm typing this on jake's computer and his keyboard is all messed up. So I think I will finish this later. Sorry.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

So This Is ME

Alright, so this is my first blog. I had an online diary but my ex knows when I write in that and its a real pain in the ass because he'll call me and bitch at me for writing in it. I'll probably write a lot about my ex, David, because he is still a big part of my life. I still love the guy, even though I shouldn't. As a matter of fact, yesterday he checked my email, again, and bitched at me because I sent my resume to a Member of Parliament in Britain. I think it would be cool to work over there. So I changed my password, we'll see how he likes that, I'll probably get a call soon about it. He'll as me who I get emails from that I don't want him to see, well how about this, I don't get any that I don't want him to see, I just want to keep my damn emails private, thats why there is a thing called a password. David and I have been broken up since the last weekend in May, I don't know the date, it didn't matter that much to me. Apparently he was thinking about getting back with me when I got my second tattoo, a small one on my left big toe. It is seriously like the size of a nickel. Its the block ATM, I figured what the hell I'm graduating from there anyways.

That leads me to another important event in my life. I graduated from Texas A&M on August 13. Damn I'm happy to be out of school. I received a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Sociology. If you don't know what sociology the most basic definition that I can think of that will make any sense is that sociology is the study of society, social groups, and human interaction. Thats the cut and dry definition. So since I'm have graduated I'm looking for a job. I sent in eight different applications to the state for child protective services positions and I didn't hear anything back from them, so fuck them. I did get a letter from the census bureau that said I was eligible, it will be a little while before I get anything else though. Hopefully whatever else I get from them will be good. Monday I applied for a job with the FBI to be some of assistant clerk, basically assistant secretary. That would be a good start with a government agency. My parents and my sister work for the gov't and they said that a foot in the door is good. So I'll take just about anything from the gov't right now because I just want some insurance and money. I want to buy a new car (chevy avalanche preferably). I would love to work for the FBI, it could be a way to become an agent. I don't really know if I want to be an agent, but I did apply for a job last night as an intelligence analyst that goes from a 7 to a 14. 14s make really good money. Tomorrow I'm supposed to get my aggie ring. I'm really looking forward to that. It will be pretty cool to finally have it.

So I was thinking that if I can't get a pretty decent job soon, that I could go to TCC and take some more math classes and then next fall I could try to enroll in the Region XI accelerated teacher accreditation program. I need to have a 2.75 GPA on my last 60 hours of course work, well my last 60 hours of coursework happen to have been my work 60 hours so I only have a 2.323. That sucks! But hey, I have a degree. Anyways, I can make As in my math classes at TCC and that should raise my GPA. Then I should be able to get into the program.

Well I'm sitting here thinking that I need to get in the shower but I need to wait for a phone call from a lady named Pam from the Phi Sigma Pi office so that she can send me proof of membership in the society. Its a co-ed honors fraternity.

I suppose I should talk about boys. The problem is that I'm not interested in boys right now. I really don't want to be in a relationship. I mean I did just come out of a really bad one with David. Talk about possessive and jealous. He didn't even want me to see my parents because he thought that my mom would convince me to break up with him. Ironic since he is the one who dumped me. What a butthead. I'm pretty sure that one of my good friends wants to date me, his name is Garrett, but I'm not interested, I kissed him once, and he can't kiss. I'm not really interested in teaching someone how to kiss. I'm to old for that shit. He should know. Anyways, I think I'm going to check my email.